Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My new wall calendar

I have a large space on a wall in my new kitchen that I couldn't decide what to do with. I knew I wanted something I could write notes on or pin stuff to. My fridge has cabinets on either side and since I am a constant list maker I've really been missing that extra space that I used to fill with lists and schedules. I kept going back and forth between wanting to put up small white board tiles or a large white board or small cork boards. I even considered painting a large section of it with chalk board paint. Finally I turned to Pinterest for some ideas and found more than enough inspiration! My favorite was this picture frame, white board, calendar,
I switched mine up a little and here it is!

I needed mine to go long ways across the wall for two reasons, 1) I have a long wall and I wanted to fill it up and 2) I'm short and wouldn't have been able to reach the top frames if it was the other way. I spray painted some frames I had lying around and added my favorite papers in orange, red, and yellow, to match my kitchen decor. Then I used my silhouette to cut out each day of the week in vinyl. I love it so far! I love that I have so much space to write out the days schedule and I love that if I ever decide to change my kitchen decor I can just swap out the paper to match!

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